Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Restored Hearts by Eileen Hinkle Rife: Book Review

Restored Hearts is the story of a young man's struggle with homosexuality, but it could be anyone's story of the struggle against our inherited sinfulness and the brokenness brought about by disfunctional families, which can only be healed by the love of God and the love of His people. The author does a wonderful job of showing the process of healing, and the way that family members are interconnected so that they are each affected by disfunctionality, but respond to it in different ways. The members that seem to 'have it all together' have just as much need of healing and restoration as those that are more obviously troubled.
I love how the author related the struggle of the two brothers to the story of the prodigal son. This is so meaningful for everyone in the church, that we should love those that God loves, even though their sin condemns them. It's our job to show God's love along with sharing God's truth, not to act as judge. Only God has the right to condemn.

I highly recommend 'Restored Hearts' and I plan to go back and read the first book 'Journey to Judah' and the third book 'Chosen Ones', to find out more about the characters that I came to love in 'Restored Hearts'.

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