Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eddie's new book launches on April 12th!

My husband Eddie has written and published a novel titled 'I Called Him Dancer'. The novel was inspired by a song about the title character, written by Tom Webster and Tralena Walker. We heard them speak at a writer's guild meeting, where Tralena also sang the song 'Dancer'. We are having the official launch for the novel on April 12th to encourage as many people as possible to buy the book on that day, which will help the book move up in the ranks that day and get it noticed by more people.
'I Called Him Dancer' is a moving and exciting story about a homeless dancer who is changed by the God's love and the love of his high school sweetheart. All the reviews so far agree that the book is a page turner, and I think so too! Keep an eye out on April 12th for my announcement of the launch!

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