Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drunken Mystic: Among the Lilies Part 1

Here is a great post by Britt Mooney of Drunken Mystic called 'Among the Lilies'. Read part one and then go on to part two and three.
This should call believers to repentance and a return to our first love of Jesus our Bridegroom.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Return to Rome: A new review of Return to Rome

Here's a response by Frank Beckwith to William Webster's article about Beckwith's book Return to Rome.

Return to Rome: A new review of Return to Rome

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Rapture of the Church: Dr. Gavin Finley of End Time Pilgrim

Dr. Gavin Finley has an article about 'The Rapture of the Church' on his website. His view is that the rapture is synonimous with 'the resurrection of the righteous dead' at the end of the tribulation. I am posting this not because I am sure he is right, but in order to show that there are multiple views of the timing of the rapture. I don't accept that all believers will certainly be raptured before the tribulation begins, so I posted two articles by Lyn Mize recently as well so people can see that it may be possible for believers to experience at least part of the tribulation.

Thoughts of Francis Turretin: Is Mary Greater than John the Baptist?

Thoughts of Francis Turretin: Is Mary Greater than John the Baptist?

Thoughts of Francis Turretin: Church Fathers on Jesus' Status as "Without Mother"

Thoughts of Francis Turretin: Church Fathers on Jesus' Status as "Without Mother"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: William Webster Responds to Beckwith’s "Return to Rome"

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: William Webster Responds to Beckwith’s "Return to Rome"

Above is a link to a post on Beggars All that links to an article by William Webster who is responding to Francis Beckwith's book Return to Rome. That's a mouthful! I'm still working on reading Webster's article.

If you look in the labels below this post, you will see 'Drowning in the Tiber'. Click on it to find links to listen to a sermon series by Tony Bartolucci that is also a response to Frank Beckwith's book. Tony also has some transcripts available of the series. Tony goes into some other reasons that Frank Beckwith mentions in his book that may have contributed to his reversion, such as some experiences he and his wife had that made them feel they were being 'led' back to Rome. Unfortunately, God is not the only one who can lead us, if we listen to voices other than His.

I also would like to add that there are many believers in the Catholic Church, but I believe they may soon find that they will be called to leave their church or be judged with her for her errors and her long history of violence. I also believe many others will be called to leave their denominations which are descending into error, or be judged as well.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

End Time Pilgrim: The Sabbath Rest

Here is a great new article by Dr. Gavin Finley of End Time Pilgrim called 'The Sabbath Rest'. He shows the true fulfillment of the command to keep the Sabbath. This goes along with some earlier posts I did on The Sabbath Rest.
Also, as I keep repeating, this also goes along with Eddie's series 'The Love of God that Overcomes Condemnation.' Part 1 and Part 2.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Squirrel in Babylon: The Caner File

A Squirrel in Babylon: The Caner File

Squirrel has been keeping up with the Ergun Caner story on his blog. I hadn't been paying much attention to it until I kept seeing it pop up on several blogs I like to read. As I said in a comment, it looks like Ergun Caner and Liberty University may have been sowing seeds of deception and the love of money and celebrity, and are now reaping the results.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sola Scriptura: Psalm 107:20

Psalm 107:20 He sent His word and healed them,
And delivered them from their destructions.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Answers In Genesis: Science Fiction: Not Just Entertainment by Carl Kerby

Here is a good article by Carl Kerby of Answers in Genesis about the world view of science fiction verses the world view of Biblical Christianity. It's called 'Science Fiction: Not Just Entertainment'.
I grew up on Star Trek and Doctor Who, but those things did not turn me away from God. They could have, but I believe the main reason why they didn't is that my Dad, who had been an agnostic, was saved when I was ten and began studying creationism and discussing it with us and others alot, so I was exposed to both sides from an early age and was able to see the goodness and truth of God's word compared to the hopelessness of humanism. I am very thankful to the Lord and to my Dad for showing me the truth of scripture.

Friday, May 07, 2010 Bearing Fruit: The Purpose of Works

Here is part one of a new message by my husband Eddie about the purpose of works in the Christian life. It will eventually be posted on his blog, which is linked in my sidebar. This message is an extension of Eddie's study on 'The Love of God that Overcomes Condemnation.'
It also goes along with the discussion in earlier posts here and here.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The nonexistent early papacy

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The nonexistent early papacy

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Lazarus, Come Forth!: Lyn Mize of First Fruits Ministry

Here is an interesting article by Lyn Mize called 'Lazarus, Come Forth!', which is a prophetic study of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. It goes along with the earlier post called 'The Great Delusion (The Lie): Lyn Mize of First Fruits Ministry'. Again, we should use these as warnings to repent of our sins, submit to God, and learn to depend on Him and abide in Him in obedience and love. It does NOT mean that we have to panic and run around trying to do good works in order to escape judgment. Good works flow from faith and love and from abiding in Christ; any works done in fear by our own power are not pleasing to God. Again, see Eddie's study on 'The Love of God That Overcomes Condemnation.' Eddie is also finishing a study to go along with the last one on works, faith, and love; basically how works flow from faith and love.

Monday, May 03, 2010

New Covenant Living: The Heretical Nature of the Churches of Christ

New Covenant Living: The Heretical Nature of the Churches of Christ

Here's an interesting post that is in direct contrast to the conversation I posted under '1 Corinthians 3 and works burned up by fire' below. My husband and I would agree with the New Covenant post, but I understand why Shammah is teaching what he does, because he is concerned about Christians thinking they can live in worldliness and sin because they have 'faith' and have been forgiven. Maybe they really don't have faith at all if they have no desire to live lives that are pleasing to God. Jack brings out the main contrast between the two positions by saying: "They don't mean that law-keeping is indicative of saving faith (which is what James 2 and other similar passages teach), but commandment-keeping as a second condition of justification."

The Great Delusion (The Lie): Lyn Mize of First Fruits Ministry

Here is a study by Lyn Mize of First Fruits Ministry about the 'great delusion' that Paul refers to in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11: They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.
This is also related to the Parable of the Virgins, and you can read about that at by clicking on the photo of the virgin refilling her lamp at the top of my blog.

I would like to add that this warning by Lyn Mize doesn't mean that we have to be some kind of 'super-Christians' to escape the great delusion. In John 15 Jesus tells us how to abide in Him, and that apart from Him we can do nothing. We need to submit to God and repent of our sins and our love of the world, and realize that He means what He says. We need to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Read Revelation 2 and 3 to see what Jesus says to the churches about what He approves and disapproves and what we must do. It all revolves around belief (as opposed to unbelief) and love (as opposed to lukewarmness or complacency). Remember all this is done by abiding in Christ and depending upon His strength and grace. When we repent and submit, He is near to us and helps us do what we can't do.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: Keating on Canon Certainty From Local Church Councils

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: Keating on Canon Certainty From Local Church Councils