Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving with help from some Catholic Pilgrims from Roman, Inc.. I've been trying to find a pretty set of Pilgrims for years. Why is it that the best ones are made by a Catholic company? It's kind of ironic to have Mayflower Pilgrims, who were Calvinist protestants, made by a Roman Catholic company, but then, maybe they can represent both sides of my heritage. My Italian-American Catholic family always loved thanksgiving, and they would serve lazagna first, and then bring out the turkey and dressing! Have a great day!


Leo said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's okay, since the university system was founded by the Catholic Church too, ;-)

We love Protestants and welcome them too...

Jennie said...

the university system was founded by the Catholic Church too

Leo, you're kidding right? Hmmmm....(Several seconds of wrestling with myself and praying for help). I'm going to forget you said that and go make my mashed potatoes for tomorrow ;)

Leo said...

Ha ha, I hope your mashed potatoes were good. We had so much food and our soon to be daughter-in-law made these great sweet potatoes with coconut, etc. Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving!

Jennie said...

We had a ton of food yesterday too. My potatoes were good, full of sour cream and butter. Tomorrow we have another meal with my husband's family. Have a great weekend!

Leo said...

Okay, now that the holidays are over...yes, the Catholic Church did indeed develop the university system we have today. All of the great scientists etc., came from the educational rigors developed by the Church. In fact, there is a great book called The Catholic Church Founded Western Civilization.

Jennie said...

OK Leo,
you are right that the earliest universities in Europe were founded by the Church. The Reformation caused many to become protestant and also new protestant universities were formed. In the US of course the first major universities were protestant. Many prominent scientists, etc. were protestants. Belief in God always makes for the best scientists who have the most freedom of understanding.

Leo said...


The point was simply to show the rigors the Church used to develop an educational system which is now used by everyone...even non-Christians. Thus, the Protestants copied that which was good, as did everyone else.

It stemmed from a search for Truth and the belief that it is always Faith and Reason working together. This is why there is great rigor in developing theology and explaining and protecting the deposit of Faith. It also allows for the treatment of new technologies to objectively determine morality.

You will never find true science contradicting the Faith, because Truth is Truth. Thus, all evidence is used when determining Truth and we never discount something just because it seems to contradict the Faith. We must examine it in its entirety.

As such, scripture does not contradict Church teaching or Tradition, which does not contradict scientific evidence. And, all 3 work together as revelations of Truth.

Leo said...

Also, when the Church rules on a miracle, similar painstaking means are used. Scientists and doctors are called to independently give their opinions on the matter at hand.

When a person is up for sainthood, a thorough investigation is undertaken to find out if the person lived a life of virtue, with extensive interviews. 2 miracles are also required after death, and these must be bona fide miracles attested to by scientific fact.

This indicates that the person is indeed with God and He is now working through that person in heaven. Don't forget that even evil people can perform miracles on earth by the power of the name of Jesus. However, that no longer works after death if the person is not in heaven.